WeiviEngineᵀᴹ – Unleashing Technology and Process

At the core of WeiviEngineᵀᴹ lies cutting-edge scientific computation and mathematical modelling. When combined with digital twin technology, it unlocks endless possibilities for addressing “what if?” questions concerning various future scenarios. In this blog post, we dive into the background of our technology and outline the WEIVI modelling process.

WeiviEngineᵀᴹ – Your Digital Handbook

In essence, WeiviEngineᵀᴹ functions as a digital “rulebook.” This manual contains the objective regularities and interactions required to describe changes concerning system’s components. For instance, in an engine managing railway traffic, the rulebook encompasses various regulations related to train movements. These cover dependencies like a train’s speed and acceleration based on its mass and engine power. These rules depict how a train responds to signalling devices and when it’s permitted to change tracks via switches. All these rules are expressed as mathematical equations, and WeiviEngine employs scientific computing techniques to solve them.

The Digital Twin: Simulation and Optimisation in WeiviEngineᵀᴹ

We craft a simulation environment by constructing a digital twin of the system alongside the WeiviEngine computing core. Utilising digital twin technology, we generate situational simulations and forecasts that empower us to optimise actions. Simulations aid in creating various scenarios to explore the consequences of different choices. By comparing these outcomes, we can conduct impact assessments and optimise actions. These processes culminate in a roadmap, guiding you toward your goals. The creation of a dedicated optimisation module in the software is possible when the variables tracked in impact assessments are well-defined. Read more about our Digital Twin solutions here.

How Does WEIVI’s Process Work?

The creation of WeiviEngineᵀᴹ consists of two processes. At first, a modeller constructs a mathematical model that represents reality and is accurate. Subsequently, the model is written or coded for a computer. Both modelling and coding demand a profound understanding of the principles and laws governing objective reality, such as the fundamentals of physics. Additionally, a modeller must adeptly process complex equations and possess expertise in numerical methods – knowing how to solve equations on a computer. This is an exacting task, and modellers often hold advanced academic degrees in natural sciences. In coding, it’s crucial that the code efficiently harnesses the computing power of the computer, producing results swiftly.

A skilled modeller can adeptly resolve situations once deemed impossible. Swiftly solving previously unsolvable problems with computer-assisted methods can be likened to executing a flawless quadruple axel jump in figure skating. In scientific computing and mathematical modelling, this leap is achieved not on skates but with a pen, paper, trash bin, and a computer. The consumption of chocolate and tea by the modelling team correlates with the complexity of the problem under consideration.

WEIVI’s Customer-Centric Modelling Process

The initial step in WEIVI’s modelling process is to comprehend your needs and goals. Key questions, for which you seek answers, take central stage. These essential inquiries pave the way toward your objectives. We assist you in pinpointing the crucial questions and determine the conditions under which these questions can be answered. We ascertain the responses and solutions that concretise your goals. In modelling, we consider your operating environment, data resources, information system architecture, and other relevant constraints.

In the subsequent phase, we construct a mathematical model based on all the system’s rules, objective regularities, and cause-and-effect relationships. Success in model creation doesn’t guarantee that the model is solvable by a computer. Physics literature abounds with theoretical equations whose consequences cannot be fully described. Understanding the practical implications at the phenomena level becomes possible only via computer-assisted physics using principles of scientific computing in creating a code that contains a method to solve the equation. The author of the code can anticipate recognition, honour, and permission to publish in the most esteemed scientific journals in the field.

The Entire Process Converges: WeiviEngineᵀᴹ – Technology and Process

WeiviEngineᵀᴹ represents the ultimate fusion of scientific computing and mathematical modelling, providing new avenues for envisioning future scenarios. By leveraging digital twin technology and simulations, we enable the exploration of diverse scenarios and the conduct of impact assessments. WEIVI’s customer-centric modelling process empowers you to discover the essential questions and solutions to achieve your objectives.

Our mission at WEIVI is to streamline data-driven leadership and decision-making, making it more efficient and effective. Welcome to the world of future solutions!

Alia Dannenberg